22 лет мальчик, живет иногда дома 19 лет мальчик, живет иногда дома
английский 5(свободный)
Семейное положение:
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Еще не решил/а
Какой религии Вы придерживаетесь?:
Не придерживаюсь
25 - 46
54.48 - 72.64 кг
160 - 175 см
Цвет глаз:
Цвет волос:
Как Вы относитесь к тому, что партнер будет иметь детей?:
Не указано
Стройное, Нормальное, Мускулистое, Несколько лишних килограммов
Этническая принадлежность партнера:
Ответы на вопросы
Как бы Вы описали себя?
Optimistic, happy, positive, laid back, ambitious, hard working, caring, loving, passionate, romantic. I like to plan and work for a better life. I believe I have a good sense of humour. I am devoted to the family and with the right life partner, we would share much love and passion and friendship. I enjoy the outdoors and nature - but I also like movies, comedy shows and drama. I am a gentleman, with good morals and honour. I am a kind and fair person. I work long hours and the pay changes - but I would rather work for myself than for another business. I enjoy property development when I can and enjoy making the home. I like meeting people and believe I am a sociable person. I enjoy cooking, golf, tennis, gardening, going to the gym when I can. I love visiting new countries and cities and would one day love to have a home near the sea - either in England or somewhere else in Europe.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
Intelligent, beautiful, a real woman full of passion and fire. A lady who has a good heart and will be totally devoted to me and no other. Someone with a good sense of humour, is also talkative and enjoys life.
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
I would spend my time with my life partner and children. If I get to see my extended family, that would be good too. There would probably be anarchy in such a situation, so I would look to protect those I love.
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
I do believe it is important to be financially secure. So I would like to make sure that my loved ones and I did not have to worry about money in the future. I would think that would use half the money. The other half, I would like to put into a variety of good causes for the community - but would also like to get involved in some form of volunteer work too - again, when I have the time.
Как часто и с кем Вы советуетесь?
I talk to my mother and brother 2-3 times a year about personal things. I talk to business friends about work maybe once each month.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
That's hard to answer - but I think if you have a strong sense of honour, you are a kind man, fair in love and family and business - and those who know you respect you very much.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
I need them to be beautiful on the inside - because if they are, then they are also beautiful on the outside.
Недавнее крупное событие Вашей жизни?
Moving house
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
Work hard to make your dreams come true, for you can do whatever you wish to achieve - and I will be around as long as I can to support you where possible.
Что Вас больше всего потрясло в жизни?
My divorce. Hard to deal with at first, but now, it gives me a new chapter in my life, new opportunities and goals and my senses are once again open to all the beauty that the world has to offer.
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
Think and grow rich, the autobiography of PJ Wodehouse, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
Ваши цели сейчас?
To have a home with a nice garden, for a loving wife or life partner to share with me. To travel around various parts of the world. To become more financially secure. To work hard and provide a good service to my business customers. To put something back into society. To share my good fortune with my children and close family.
Кем Вы восхищаетесь?
My best friend Allan.
Много ли у Вас друзей?
I have an inner and outer circle of friends. The inner circle number no more than 10. The outer circle are probably 40-50 in number. I have more friends where I grew up and I keep in touch with as many as possible using Facebook.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах своего пола?
chauvenism, arrogance, ignorance, contempt, bad treatment of ladies.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах противоположного пола?
Lack of honour, infidelity.
Что бы я хотел изменить в себе?
Sometimes I doubt my abilities - but not very often. That comes from a father that never gave me encouragement with anything. And I think sometimes it is human nature to feel that way anyway. My financial position is not too strong right now - but I am working on that and my business is improving. I currently earn between US$40,000 and $50,000 per year. This year, I should earn $70,000.
Мои недостатки
I have lied to my ex-wife about money in the past (when we were married). But only because I have wanted to provide a good lifestyle when work has been tough. I realise it is important to talk about bad things as well as good - for otherwise there is no trust. I have learned that lesson and want my life partner to know everything about me at all times - as I would want to know about them too. So that we totally understand each other and love each other for our strengths and weaknesses.
Мои достоинства
I am a kind, fair, honourable man. I love my daughters and family (mother and brother) very much and have so much more love and passion to give to my future life partner.
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