ATTENTION! As can be read, my profile updates are VERY old. OVER 2 years old! Now it is 20140625... It seems that I have even got some messages (during those years!). I'll come back soon to get up to date.
20th January 2012: Just found myself back here for a small updates... As can be seen, I have been offline for 11 months, as well as with most online things. Year 2011 was hard in many ways (like my father passed away etc.) and high depression was(or stll affects) around. Still I cannot say that I can get web-related things up to the date, that means all social things. I'm not yey back in any action... Some updates in small things in my profile.
25th February: Sorry, my account has expired and I have had loads of hurries and things on me. I was not fast enough to visit here before the expiration, because of my hands have been full of those things to do and solve. When I have got one thing done or solved, two more have appeared, so the stress have been on me for a long time. But I must to continue even I feel quite tired with the works and other things. Sometimes it feels, that the more I do, the more I get things to do. That sort of takes all my time and the social relationships are the suffering ones. The more I try, the more have been taken. I wish someday something would change. Again I have to hurry out, like almost 24/7 before, if possible. Answering messages is now not possible because of my status have lowered to standard account. I think I should remove this account in few weeks, when what use this would have, if I can't be actively caring my own things. Yours sincerely.
31th January Recently solved many requests, fixed several computer, vehicle and some other problems/ requests. Also I have had work on 16 morning in a row, including weekends, but now I have first free (?) day off the work, if no sudden alarm to the work does not appear.
25th January evening: Dammit again, quite hurry evening with things to solve. I have had logged in for hours, but could not had this time without long breaks solving trade union and other things. The time is evening, and I am forced to log off, for I have to rise up very early hours at the morning. Agh, I have also charge my car's battery a bit, that it starts tomorrow. There is some problem in electrics, but I have not had time to fix it yet.
25th January: Profile fillings as well, when I am here.
25th January: After some connection problems I renewed my account status for one month.
25th January: Dammit! Expired! I had so hurry recent two weeks that I could not use my time to anything else than doing work for others. The bookkeeping was very stressful, because I had not done that before, but now that is examined and accepted and I can breathe and rest a bit. Because I had many other things to do as well, I was awake a lot, I avoided resting in bed or so and had MUCH of coffee to stay awake. When I slept, I slept only couple of hours and then continued. At most I was awake about 48 hours in a row or so. Now I have all those of hurry things back (at least for some moments), so I had a goal to come back and leave my last words as a gold member, but I think I have to take yet one month for that. Just because I was a bit too late before my status expired...
11th January 2011: I have had much of things to do and I have not slept much. I think that I have yet at least this week a hurry one, for in addition to my job, I try to process bookkeepings, economics and so on related to trade union with every free moment I have from other duties. The time flies and yet many things to solve out. I wish that I can do everything in a schedule. Also I feel quite tired, for I have only one free day a week from the job, though only some hours each morning...
25th December 2010: Well, I am a curious person to see, if I could find something through this site. Weeks ago, my silver membership status expired, so I could not see messages from paid profiles. I had also some problems with renewing my account until now. And because of some messages from gold members, I now went for gold membership for one (1) month, so I can now see the messages I have received and because of I felt guilty that I could not reply to every message at least once. I checked now the messages I had received and they almost every one message contained just a wink. Thanks for the interest and I am sorry I have not been able to reply to them soon after I received them.
ADDED at the evening: now I have gone through my profile and because i used this box mostly for offtopic, that means that I leave many many things for you to ask, if there is anything to ask about anything I could know an answer. I bet that not many people have filled this much their profile now, hehe...
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
She would like me as myself with all the advantages or disadvantages.
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
If I had those 30 days left, I would live them as I now do. But I can't say for sure.
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
I would try to use it wisely, also that I could do something good.
Как часто и с кем Вы советуетесь?
I have not needed to ask any advice very often. I have been able to handle my decisions myself.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
To have good, honest friends
Ability to work together
Clear things.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
First being honest is one thing everyone should have as a guide. I have not decided, if there is much more that I would list, because I do not use to limit things too much and with that I mean that I value people as themselves.
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
I can't give any advice, for I do not have any children. If I had, one of my advices would be that they should keep their eyes and mind open to learn things and have their life more enjoyable.
Что Вас больше всего потрясло в жизни?
A positive one? Just now nothing comes specially in my mind. I am happy that there is many good things around, so maybe I should be happy with that.
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
Mmm... it is allowed to count non fiction books..? Almost every book I read are related to knowledge
Ваши цели сейчас?
There is so many goals, but maybe the most difficult one may be finding my better half for the rest of my life?
Кем Вы восхищаетесь?
-Honest people.
-People, who have thoughts.
Много ли у Вас друзей?
Some good ones.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах своего пола?
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах противоположного пола?
Что бы я хотел изменить в себе?
Everything, if possible. Because I try to drive myself forward through the time, I find always some areas in me not being satisfying me.
Мои недостатки
I learned to smoke about 5 years ago.
Мои достоинства
Quite wide range in experience about different jobs.
Как меня видят мои друзья?
Every time I happen to meet or see them... 😉 But seriously, I have not asked that from my friends, so I do not know.
Мои любимые игры
Meaning computer and video games? I like games, which have loads of things to explore, so mostly story based ones. One ever green classic game is Final Fantasy 7. Most recent game I have played is Dragon Age: The Origins (PS3).
Моя любимая музыка
If I ever find any music cd's from Nobue Uematsu, that would be awesome.
I have already a wide collection of music from different categories, so recent years I have not purchased music very much.
Мои любимые фильмы
January 25th: Lets say something here too. My DVD-collection is quite variable, but many films are still in plastics! The categories vary much, but one theme is Tarantino-Rodriguez. But the list is too long to raise anything specially on top.
Мои любимые сказки
January 25th: there is loads of good stories. I like the ones, which is produced out well and also touch imagination.
Мое любимое занятие
If alone, spending time developing things and hobbies.
Работа, о которой я мечтаю
It would be anything related to my skills (?) and interests. I haven't still decided, what I want to do before the retired age, for I like to do so various things.
Партнер, о котором я мечтаю
January 25th: I can't really tell that. Because my future is a big unknown, I do not place any details for it, I take everything what each day gives to me. Also, in every person can be something special. Finally updated this section!
Место, где я хочу жить
Just here, where I live now. Far outside the cities with loads of space around and no need to seek parking areas or cars from under the snow piles (like from the streets of the cities and towns).
Для меня идеально было бы жить в
коттедж за городом
Вам нравится готовить?
Мне достаточно нравится готовить
Как часто Вы хотели бы выходить в свет
Практически никогда/никогда
Вам нравится ужинать вне дома?
Что касается денег
Я покупаю только то, в чем нуждаюсь, и откладываю остальное
Что касается телевидения я
Предпочитаю новости
Поддерживаю мое место/квартиру
Убираю, когда положение становится критическим
Насколько Вам нравится садоводство?
Мне достаточно нравится садоводство
Как Вы относитесь к походам в магазин за едой?
Я кое-как справляюсь
Насколько Вы наслаждаетесь другими типами хождения по магазинам?
Я не против того чтобы делать это
Я могу описать себя в гостях как
Беспристрастный наблюдатель
Домашние животные и я
Какой вид телевизионных программ Вы больше всего любите смотреть?
Научно-фантастические, Спортивные, Новости, Природа/дикая жизнь, Триллеры, Ужасы, Телевизионные игры, Обучающие, Документальные, Проблемы дня/дебаты, Комедии, Фильмы
Мне очень нравится проводить свободное время
Абсолютно ничего не делая, Возясь в саду, Дремая, Обедая с другом, Занимаясь домашними делами, Занимаясь своим хобби, Работая на добровольных началах, Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, С семьей, Сидя в Интернете, Смотря телевизор или кино, Играя на компьютере, Гуляя, В компании друзей, На природе
Прогулки, Другое
Виды спорта, которыми Вы любите заниматься, или смотреть
Экстрим, Автогонки, Олимпийские игры
Виды развлечений, которые Вам нравятся
Поп-музыка, Классическая музыка, Образовательное телевидение/новости, Чтение, Изысканные ужины, Музеи/Живопись, Интернет, Развлекательное телевидение, Видео игры