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Азиат, Белый / Европейская, Испанец/выходец из Латинской Америки, Индеец, Японец или житель Тихоокеанских островов, Латиноамериканец
Ответы на вопросы
Как бы Вы описали себя?
Im open minded, honest,trustworthy,easy going and friendly,I love to go out and socialize with friends and meet new people but I also like to stay at home as well.. I believe you should treat people in the same way as you would like to be treated yourself. Trust is very important to me. Although im very friendly I tend not to open myself up to anyone I can't trust,I love to travel and being the open minded person that I am,Im quite prepared to try new things,, To the people in my life that I care for I like to think that there's nothing I wouldn't do for them, They know they can rely upon me when it matters, there is more I could wright here but sometimes I think its best if you find out things for yourself rather than be told,,Im a great believer in the old saying actions speak louder than words,,I am by no means perfect, I believe it takes the love and care of a women to mold a man into her idea of perfection
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
you would think this would be an easy question to answer but im finding it a little difficult to be honest,, Trust is important to me so she would have to be trustworthy, loyal,open minded, easy going, understanding, fun to be with of course and with a good sense of humor,, I don't want a women to boss me around but I do want a women thats capable of making me do things and makes me a better man,, Only when a man loves a women does she have the power to do this, That's how it is with me anyways I think its important to have the same thoughts, feelings and interests as each other but its also important to have a difference in opinion and interests as each other, Does that make any sense? Again there is more I could wright but I like to get to know someone personally
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
Have a massive 30 day party with the people I love listening to the music I love, all of us doing the things we love together
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
I'll let you know when I have 10 million dollars to spare
Как часто и с кем Вы советуетесь?
Not to sure really,, It depends on what the situation is,, Ideally I would only like to seek the advice of people I trust,, I tend not to ask for advice on most occasions because Im confident enough in myself and I would say 8 times out of 10 once my mind is made up there's not much chance of it changing unless im convinced by someone I trust otherwise which doesn't happen very often
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
At the moment I would say sense of humor
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
Hmmm,,, trust and loyaltie I would say just now,, maybe I would have a diffrent answer tomorrow,,, Women have so many good qualities as do men that its hard just to choose 1
Недавнее крупное событие Вашей жизни?
I moved back 2 my home country of Scotland a few months ago and when I was there I realized How much I really wanted to continue living abroad So I moved back here to Norway a couple of weeks ago,, I realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side and most people don't know how lucky they are until its to late,, This makes me appreciate things a lot more,, a lot of things go bad for people because they never realized just how good it was until its to late,, This was an important lesson for me and one I shall always remember
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
You can be anything you want to be, Don't ever let anyone or anything tell you different.. Just be who you are,, its my job to teach you and keep you safe but its your life and you only get 1 so go and live it the way you want to
Что Вас больше всего потрясло в жизни?
Hmmm? Not to sure really as im not easy to shock,, I think maybe my Favorite song writer has made a big impression on me in the way that it made me realize that writing songs is something I would like to do and something I could do if I wanted,, I suppose the biggest shock I've had is realizing that I am indeed getting older and time waits for no man and this has made me realize some of the time I've wasted and also that I would like to settle down with someone
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
The last books I read were written by Irvine Welsh, He is my favorite author out of everyone,, His most famous book was called trainspotting which was made into a movie and very successful, I also recently read Life,the autobiography of Keith Richards and since reading that book he has become a bit of a hero of mine, I enjoy reading biography's, I also enjoy books written by Andy McNab and James Patterson
Ваши цели сейчас?
To be happy, to travel more than I have done, to find a women to settle down with and raise a family with, to write more songs and get better on the guitar and to hopefully retire somewhere nice and warm with a good atmosphere and relaxed way of living like spain
Кем Вы восхищаетесь?
I admire people who become what they set out to be, I admire people that do the things they say they will do rather than just talk and do nothing about it, I admire honesty and people who face there fears, and I admire my mum for the constant struggle she went through as a single parent to bring me my brother and my sister up and never once complained about it
Много ли у Вас друзей?
I think there's a difference between a friend and an acquaintance,, A true friend will do for you pretty much the same as what a brother or sister would do for you and I have a true friend in Spain, Two true friends in Scotland and Two true friends here in Norway, Thats not many but its real,, I have many,many acquaintance's In the same three countries although to most of them I would not admit that I only think of them as acquaintance's so as not to hurt there feelings but if there smart then they already know this cos they will feel the same way, its just not something you mention
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах своего пола?
Ego and competitiveness, Its like a man always has to prove to everyone and especially to other men that he is indeed a man and a better one than everyone else,,,, Why? Who knows,, I've even been guilty of this myself a few times but when I step back and think about it, it pisses me off, there's no need for it, I think its just part of being human but I've noticed it a lot more in men than in women
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах противоположного пола?
Jealousy,, especially when there's no need for it, A tiny little bit of jealousy can be quite flattering but to much of it can turn both women and men into unbearable people,, And probably because im a man I don't relay take to women that are physically stronger than myself, not that there's any problem with it I just feel that its the man who should take care of the women and not the other way about but then that's probably old fashioned of me cos really you should be taking care of each other
Что бы я хотел изменить в себе?
Although im mostly quite a positive person sometimes I can be negative in my thinking, I think that's because of where and how I was raised,,, Plus I've been told its because im a Gemini star sign so I have both, whatever that means, Personally I don't think it has nothing to with my star sign, anyways If I could change anything I would change that,, I can also be lazy sometimes but that's easy to change if you want to
Мои недостатки
I used to think that my weakness was opening up to much of myself and to soon with the women I've had in my life, My family say I wear my heart on my sleeve, but Im only now beginning to realize that its not a weakness I have just open'd up and loved the wrong people, But hey, you live you learn,,. I would now say my biggest weakness is when something begins to worry me and I start to feel worried,, Instead of allowing myself to get worried over whatever it is I just end up thinking,, Fuck it and give it no thought so whatever it was is not worrying to me anymore,, Some might not think that a weakness but it is and im working on it,,(Sorry ladies for swearing but there was no other word to suit )
Мои достоинства
I would say the fact that im very self aware of myself,, I have no illusions about what I can or can't do, what I can or can't achieve and because of this Im honest to myself and everyone else
Как меня видят мои друзья?
You would have to ask them,, Im not gonna speak on there part about me
Как меня видят просто знакомые?
Positively I would say but again you would have to ask them yourselfs as Im not gonna ask them
Мои любимые игры
I don't really have a favorite game,, But as long as your in good company then any game can be fun
Мои любимые писатели и поэты
Obviously, even though I don't know much of his work I would have to say Robert Burns as he is a Scottish hero,We even have a day to celebrate him, Back home we call him Rabbi burns,,, Irvine Welsh is my favorite author, And Noel Gallagher and Rodger Waters are my favorite lyricist's,, Although Rodger Waters is more talented at it, Noel Gallagher is defiantly my favorite and my inspiration for both writing my own lyrics and learning the acoustic guitar
Моя любимая музыка
All kinds of music really,, of course I have my favorite kinds but that all depends on what mood im in at the time,,, I do love music though, I can't think of anything that has brought more people together than music, Can You??
Моя любимая еда
I just love food so much that I won't eat anything else I really enjoy pasta dishes,, And I love caramel and chocolate, Oh yes 😉
Мои любимые фильмы
Although I do enjoy the action movies that Hollywood makes, (well some of them) I suppose my favorite movies are those that are based on true story's,, Martin Scorsese makes amazing movies as does Michael Mann and a great many others,, I also like some sci fi movies but nothing to heavy,, For me the most important thing is the story has to feel like it could be real or could happen or even did happen for me to really enjoy it,,, And of Course my favorite actor is Robert De Nero
Мои любимые сказки
Any that actually happen
Мое любимое занятие
I like to play my guitar and try to write songs on it, I like to write lyrics, I like to read,watch movies,listen to music browse the internet, I like to visit friends and I like to go out to town and talk to the people I meet there,, I like to cycle and swim, I like going out on the boat trips in summertime here in norway,, Everybody almost owns a boat in norway and we party on them in the summer but most of all I like to travel, Visit new places that I've never been to before and soak up the culture. Im probably most happy when Im at a good party somewhere with good people
Работа, о которой я мечтаю
A Successful Lyricist,, A Norwegian band called Dr Bendix used a lot of my lyrics in there new ,recent album called, Coming Home, I was also in the local newspaper for this which was nice
Партнер, о котором я мечтаю
My dream partner will be through my eyes the most beautiful women ever simply because I love her,, There is not one thing she would not do for me and Not one Thing I would not do for her, She would love me and feel about me the same way as I do for her,, I don't think this is to much to ask for, or expect,, but its proven to be very difficult to find
Место, где я хочу жить
As long as I don't live in the UK then Im happy, I live In Norway just now and have done for nearly 11 years, I like it here very much as its such a relaxed place and way of living and the people here are very friendly,, But I would prefer to live in Spain,, I have lived in Spain for about 4 or 5 months before, plus I visit there whenever I can so I can see my best friend who lives out there
Что касается телевидения я
Выбираю фильм
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Я могу описать себя в гостях как
Душа компании
Что касается денег
Да, я иногда бросал(-а) деньги на ветер, но я знаю мои пределы
Вам нравится ужинать вне дома?
Мне это сильно нравится
Как часто Вы хотели бы выходить в свет
Дважды в неделю
Насколько Вы наслаждаетесь другими типами хождения по магазинам?
Я не против того чтобы делать это
Для меня идеально было бы жить в
на верхних этажах в городе
Как Вы относитесь к походам в магазин за едой?
Предпочитаю делать это, чем умирать с голоду
Домашние животные и я
У меня нет, но мне нравятся Кот(-ы), Собака(-и), Птички
Какой вид телевизионных программ Вы больше всего любите смотреть?
Делая какие-нибудь атлетические упражнения, Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, Обедая с другом, С семьей, Абсолютно ничего не делая, Ходить по магазинам, Дремая, Смотря телевизор или кино, Гуляя, В компании друзей, Танцуя в ночном клубе, Сидя в Интернете, Занимаясь своим хобби, На природе
Езда на велосипеде, Хождение под парусом, Другое, Плавание, Прогулки, Отдых на природе, Танцы
Виды развлечений, которые Вам нравятся
Бары/Пабы, Настольные игры, Концерты, Дискотеки, Вечеринки, Походы в кинотеатр, Рэп, Рок, Чтение, Интернет, Образовательное телевидение/новости, Развлекательное телевидение, Дротики, Изысканные ужины, Поп-музыка, Поэзия