James, 53 лет, США, Лас-Вегас
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Уровень ответов: 100%
Имя: James
Возраст: 53
Месторасположение: США, Лас-Вегас
Знак зодиака: Водолей
Вес: 75кг
Рост: 180см
Цвет глаз: Коричневый
Цвет волос: С проседью
Телосложение: Стройное
Насколько часто Вы курите?: Никогда
Насколько часто Вы пьете: Изредка в компаниях
Со следующими данными:
английский 5(свободный)
Семейное положение: Не замужем/Не женат
Вы хотите иметь детей: Еще не решил/а
Образование: 3-4 курса института
Профессия: Профессия, связанная с компьютерами
Возраст: 22 - 41
Вес: 49.94 - 68.1 кг
Рост: 147 - 178 см
Цвет глаз: Любые
Цвет волос: Рыжий/каштановый, Черный, Белый, Светло-русый, Темно-русый, Шатен, С проседью
Телосложение: Стройное, Нормальное, Мускулистое
пьет: Любое
Этническая принадлежность партнера: Азиат, Белый / Европейская, Восточный индиец, Испанец/выходец из Латинской Америки, Японец или житель Тихоокеанских островов, Латиноамериканец

Ответы на вопросы

Как бы Вы описали себя?
I'm pretty sure everyone just loves writing these.. It's almost as uncomfortable as reading what you wrote afterwards.

I'll start with the basics, the obvious. I am a human male in good physical shape and I have benefited from a good education. Professionally I am a software engineer, and I also teach computer software and computer game design. I also write about various things, and I would like to spend more time doing so.

I am considered to be exceptionally intelligent, and you can toss this assertion back in my face when I inevitably do something stupid. Like most people (especially men) I sometimes say or do dumb things. I hardly ever say or do cruel things, at least not intentionally.

A fair amount of my intellectual energies are devoted to me being something of a smart-ass, but I do not use that trait to belittle others, unless they hold or seek public office. Perhaps a better way to put it is that I poke fun at people (me included certainly) and at the ironies or absurdities that are always to be found in life. I do not do this to other people with cruelty, like I said, I'm often the butt of my own snarky wit.

I'm very cautious for someone who is a bit of a thrill-seeker. Sometimes my best decisions are my first ones, sometimes not. Sometimes reflecting upon choices serves me well, sometimes it only costs me opportunities.

A while back I discovered that people usually liked me if I gave them a chance. And a reason to do so.

I'm more affectionate than most guys, because I enjoy being so. I'm slow to anger and often accommodating. But people who mistake me for a pushover usually wind up dining on crow when they learn they were wrong.

I really think women are great, but I don't make hollow commitments and then play around. I just think women are great.

I live sometimes in Las Vegas, an oasis in the desert. Intellectually, well it seems like the Sahara, with no oases in sight. I'm sure they exist, but my divining rod is not accurate enough to locate them.

I also spend time in South Lake Tahoe, California. It's nice getting away, and being in the natural world.

I'm genetically fortunate in that I can eat as much as I care to without gaining or losing weight, unless I really exercise a lot for muscle mass. And that pisses off everyone of my long-time friends, not that they'd ever try to do anything to equalize it or help themselves -- we Americans can be quite stupid sometimes.

I enjoy a lot of things in life, and get bored by some of the same things. I like variety. I like being scared, sometimes. I like traveling, which is a cliche I'll admit. But I would like to visit some of my old haunts again sometime, and of course create some new ones. I will add more later. But to know what I think and feel as life is unfolding around me, you might need to ask.

And really I admire women quite apart from their sexuality. The vast majority of women most men meet in life aren't even potential sex partners, and a guy's got real issues if he can't see people as people.

I'm much more likely to forgive than to blindly trust. But even forgiveness can carry a heavy price.

I ALWAYS try to return kindness with kindness.

I think Love is wonderful, even when it's hard work.

I will like you. I will respect you. You deserve nothing less.

[I'll fix this up and add more soon..]
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
I don't have a preconceived checklist to describe an ideal partner, and I think the concept is often used in a foolish manner. Each potential partner brings a different set of qualities, and for the less important aspects, one might accept more of a less desirable quality to find someone who matches very well for another desirable quality. But I can state a few qualities that are important to me:

I am drawn to smart people, and this is especially true with women. I've often heard that some men are "turned off" by intelligent women -- that's not me. I find a woman's intelligence very attractive. And "smarts" is not a neatly packaged set of qualifications. It comes in many varieties and I'm not particular about why you might be sharp, witty, or interesting to be around, I just like it when you are.

But, being honest, I must be physically attracted also. "Looks" matter (why deny it) but they are just a part of a woman's desirability, along with intelligence, sense of humor, and the joy one takes in living life. And my partner must feel the same way to a degree. Women are simply much more beautiful then men, but I would not feel comfortable with a woman who was not physically attracted to me. And this means that each of us must work to stay fit and healthy, and not take the other's attraction for granted. To do so is disrespectful and damaging to a relationship.

My partner must have a healthy and open attitude towards sex, and want and be able to take pleasure in it. If it is seen as a duty, or as something to be ashamed of in any way, we would not be happy together.

She would be a friend and lover, who accepted my shortcomings as I accepted hers. Someone with whom to feel comfortable and happy even after time had lessened the passion of earlier years.
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
If it was humanly possible to do so, I would try to prevent it.

If not, I would contact as many of my loved ones as I could and share our grief and fear. I would spend as much time as possible with my wife and children, if was married and/or a parent.

I would enjoy nature and reflect on my life and the universe.
Я могу описать себя в гостях как
Заурядный человек
Поддерживаю мое место/квартиру
Всегда чистым для компании
Насколько Вам нравится садоводство?
Не против того, чтобы помочь
Как Вы относитесь к походам в магазин за едой?
Я кое-как справляюсь
Насколько Вы наслаждаетесь другими типами хождения по магазинам?
Я не против того чтобы делать это
Вам нравится готовить?
Мне достаточно нравится готовить
Как часто Вы хотели бы выходить в свет
Один раз в неделю
Вам нравится ужинать вне дома?
Наслаждаюсь этим
Домашние животные и я
У меня нет, но мне нравятся Кот(-ы), Собака(-и)
Какой вид телевизионных программ Вы больше всего любите смотреть?
Научно-фантастические, Спортивные, Новости, Природа/дикая жизнь, Фильмы, Обучающие, Драма, Документальные, Комедии
Мне очень нравится проводить свободное время
Делая какие-нибудь атлетические упражнения, Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, Обедая с другом, Абсолютно ничего не делая, Смотря телевизор или кино, Гуляя, В компании друзей, На природе, Танцуя в ночном клубе, Играя на компьютере, Сидя в Интернете
Езда на велосипеде, Отдых на природе, Туризм, Другое, Лыжный спорт, Плавание, Прогулки, Водные лыжи
Виды спорта, которыми Вы любите заниматься, или смотреть
Баскетбол, Футбол, Гольф, Олимпийские игры, Американский футбол, Сквош/Бадминтон
Виды развлечений, которые Вам нравятся
Бары/Пабы, Настольные игры, Концерты, Дискотеки, Вечеринки, Изысканные ужины, Походы в кинотеатр, Музеи/Живопись, Классическая музыка, Джаз, Поп-музыка, Рок, Чтение, Интернет, Образовательное телевидение/новости, Развлекательное телевидение
Другие хобби или интересы
Компьютеры, Писательское творчество, Приготовление изысканной пищи, Новости/политика/события, Философия/Духовность, Путешествия
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