Robin, 54 лет, США, Нью-Йорк
Последний раз на сайте:
Уровень ответов: 100%
Имя: Robin
Возраст: 54
Месторасположение: США, Нью-Йорк
Знак зодиака: Весы
Рост: 178см
Цвет глаз: Черный
Цвет волос: Черный
Телосложение: Стройное
Насколько часто Вы курите?: Никогда
Насколько часто Вы пьете: Изредка в компаниях
Со следующими данными:
У Вас есть дети?:
36 лет мальчик, живет дома со мной
английский 2(разговорный)
Семейное положение: Не замужем/Не женат
Вы хотите иметь детей: Еще не решил/а
Образование: Средняя школа
Какой религии Вы придерживаетесь?: Христианская
Возраст: 35 - 55
Этническая принадлежность партнера: Африканец, Индеец

Ответы на вопросы

Как бы Вы описали себя?
I am not a perfect man and I have some demerits of my own. But I am sure that there is a wo man who will fall in love with me for what I really am. I appreciate natural beauty and the sincerity in any relationship. Some people are sure that any great and deep love may be destroyed by the every day life. But the most important is to never let these ever day troubles and tasks make you do something by force. If one only manages to cope with it, she will be able to make his life become a total pleasure. I am very good at making a massage and I am sure that my beloved would be really glad to have such treatment after a hard working day. I want my relations to be harmonious.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
Please dont be a Queen - that is not for me. OK? there is no need for you to be a multimillionaire as well cause it is not what matters for me. I dont care about your age - two simple numbers dont make a personality. Just be yourself, have a lot of self - respect, accept me for who I am, dont try to change me - just love me, inspire me, be strong both physically and mentally, have a good sense of humor - and dont be afraid to be happy. Are you like this? Then for sure you are what I am looking for and I dont need anything else.
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