Brady, 42 лет, США, Манкейто
Последний раз на сайте:
Уровень ответов: 100%
Имя: Brady
Возраст: 42
Месторасположение: США, Манкейто
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Вес: 88кг
Рост: 180см
Цвет глаз: Голубой
Цвет волос: Черный
Телосложение: Нормальное
Насколько часто Вы курите?: Изредка в компаниях
Насколько часто Вы пьете: Изредка в компаниях
Со следующими данными:
английский 5(свободный)
Семейное положение: Не замужем/Не женат
Вы хотите иметь детей: Да
Образование: Высшее образование
Профессия: Частный предприниматель
Какой религии Вы придерживаетесь?: Не придерживаюсь
Возраст: 18 - 35
Вес: до 86.26 кг
Цвет глаз: Любые
Цвет волос: Любые
Как Вы относитесь к тому, что партнер будет иметь детей?: Против
Телосложение: Любые
курит: translation missing: ru.detail.partner_smoker_ar.s0
пьет: translation missing: ru.detail.drinker_arr.s0
Этническая принадлежность партнера: Любые

Ответы на вопросы

Как бы Вы описали себя?
I am a very well rounded worldly person who loves learning new things and is always challenging himself. I love education and keeping up on news and I care deeply about humanity and impoverished people around the world. I have actively been involved with programs to help people from all walks of life and will continue that type of service into my later years. I have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a major in Management, and a Major in Marketing with a Minor in Speech Communications. I'm currently in Business school to get my MBA in FInance. They seem to have the most promising future financially in this country and I would like a large family but in order to do so I must be able to provide for them and this is the route I will take. After I finish my Masters I have thought about Law School which would be another 3 years and then getting into politics, but we'll see what happens. I served six years in the Army National Guard part time and never had to go to war, when I got out I joined AmeriCorps which is a peace program. I currently help with the social and emotional development of children ages 0-5 because doctors have proved this is the most important years of ones life in brain development. I have had my own DJ company for 10 years and DJ a wedding almost every Saturday night, I use to DJ clubs but no longer have that interest. I have a lot of fun but I am also a very serious person, that's why my friends say I'm well rounded and worldly. I am currently in the process of opening up a new Night Club in town for the challenge and experience of opening a business. I don't plan on staying in it too long but feel the urge to learn about the process. I like working out and running. I have a cabin on a lake that is beautiful year round and I like to do water sports and fish. I am a strong advocate for Women Rights I believe women are just as equal as men and should be treated that way. I love to cook for groups of people I think it's fun and enjoyable. Most people where I'm fun drink sociably but are not alcoholics, they drink responsibly. I am a committed man to my family and friends and in my past relationships I have always been loyal, honest, and caring. I never tell people what to do and enjoy learning from others as well as them learning from me. I can't wait for the day I meet the right person for myself to marry. I hope they have the same interests and ambitions in life as I do. I worry that if I find someone to marry in a foreign country that they may get homesick here. I know I would miss my family if I had to leave so that is a concern I keep in mind. But I'm a passionate person when it comes to taking care of loved ones and would help however possible.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
Someone that is honest and can laugh and enjoy life. Someone that likes to learn and likes to cuddle and take walks and watch movies. Someone that is able to smile and be happy around me. As long as they have a good heart the rest won't matter.
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
I would skydive, surf, scuba dive, climb a mountain, fish for sharks, swim with dolphins and spend my last days at my cabin on our beautiful lake.
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
Keep enough for my family to get through college and pay off bills then donate the rest to a non-profit organization that helps children.
Как часто и с кем Вы советуетесь?
My father has been a principal in a school for 35 years and has always been a dependable resource to confide in. I ask when needed.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
That we are goal driven and enjoy taking care of our families.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
Strength. Women have for thousands of years taken a lot of abuse and oppression from men. I have to give them credit and believe there will and courage is stronger than mans.
Недавнее крупное событие Вашей жизни?
I worked at Disney World after graduation and it was a very fun experience. I was doing an internship there, but it made me realize I wanted to keep driving myself. Disney World reminds you to keep your dreams alive.
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. You are not better than anyone, but you are not worse. Don't believe everything you hear, find the meaning of life for yourself and don't let anyone tell you how to live yours.
Что Вас больше всего потрясло в жизни?
I believe the country I live in is under the control of someone who has been paid off by large oil and drug companies. I am disgusted by our current leadership and so is everyone else. This has driven me to learn as much as I can about our government so we can use our power to do good in the world instead of bad. After September 11th, 2001 the whole world was supportive of us and we screwed it up by falsifying a means for war. People have a bad impression of us and I want to fix that, so many of us do.
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama
2012 - End of Times
Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
and more....
Ваши цели сейчас?
Finish Graduate school, then go to law school, build a large lake home, marry, raise a family, fun for office, and try to make a difference in the world.
Кем Вы восхищаетесь?
I admire certain leaders in our past. Our first president Washington helped to create our nation of freedom, Abraham Lincoln freed the blacks from slavery, Franklin D. Roosevelt beat Adolf Hitler in WWII, JFK gave civil rights to all blacks, and President Clinton created many opportunities to get funded for technological advancements in medicine and computers. I only hope that Barack Obama is our next president, I think he will try to bring peace to the world.
Много ли у Вас друзей?
More than anyone I know, I am well connected with the community. I live in a town of 45,000 people.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах своего пола?
They can be rude, obnoxious, and abusive towards women and I don't accept that.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах противоположного пола?
In this country they are too materialistic and only think of money, family values have lost their meaning and families are breaking up because money is all they seem to want from men.
Что бы я хотел изменить в себе?
Nothing. I am very happy and content with who I am and what I stand for.
Мои недостатки
I waste energy and leave the lights and TV on a lot by accident. I try to be conservative but waste a lot of things. But I am getting better at it.
Мои достоинства
minor in Speech Communications
Major in Marketing
Major in Management
Will have an MBA in Finance
Awards in the Army for efficiency.
Как меня видят мои друзья?
As compassionate about life and others. My friends know I care and they know I have always wanted my children to grow up in a better world then mine. I talk to everyone and get along with almost everyone, they all know I'm a fun guy to be around.
Как меня видят просто знакомые?
As popular in the fact that I'm known in town wherever I go because I worked entertainment around town.
Мои любимые игры
Football, Basketball, trivia games, volleyball,
Мои любимые писатели и поэты
Anyone really, I like all sorts of books, I prefer non-fiction.
Моя любимая музыка
Everything, I DJ and entertain so I have learned to like it all.
Моя любимая еда
Pasta's, casseroles, pizza's
Мои любимые фильмы
Braveheart, A River Runs Through It, Hoosiers
Мои любимые сказки
I really can't remember any, that was so long ago.
Мое любимое занятие
Laying out in the sun on the lakeshore beach reading a book, or in the boat catching some sun.
Работа, о которой я мечтаю
A politician that has many great accomplishments of feeding the starving, housing the homeless, and taking care of the sick.
Партнер, о котором я мечтаю
Some one that looks at me and I can feel her love. Someone that looks up to me and I look up to her. My better half, the one that always brings me up when I'm down and I can always count on. I would do the same, I want someone that I can look at and just melt every time. Someone that I know has a big heart and cares and wants a better life for herself and her family. I believe I will find this person someday.
Место, где я хочу жить
Where I live is called the Land Of 10,000 Lakes. Everyone in my state loves it here because it's beautiful and there is a lot to do. Everyone has a boat or cabin or lakeshore home, and it's a very peaceful area, there are people of all ages but we are known as the nicest state of all 50 to live in. I live in Minnesota.
Насколько Вам нравится садоводство?
Не против того, чтобы помочь
Как Вы относитесь к походам в магазин за едой?
Достаточно нравится
Насколько Вы наслаждаетесь другими типами хождения по магазинам?
Я не против того чтобы делать это
Вам нравится готовить?
Я обожаю это
Как часто Вы хотели бы выходить в свет
Дважды в неделю
Вам нравится ужинать вне дома?
Мне это сильно нравится
Что касается телевидения я
Переключаю на информационный канал
Что касается денег
Да, я иногда бросал(-а) деньги на ветер, но я знаю мои пределы
Я могу описать себя в гостях как
Порхающий мотылек
Поддерживаю мое место/квартиру
Всегда чистым для компании
Для меня идеально было бы жить в
дом в пригороде
Домашние животные и я
У меня нет, но мне нравятся Собака(-и), Рыбки, Птички
Какой вид телевизионных программ Вы больше всего любите смотреть?
Новости, Триллеры, Обучающие, Документальные, Проблемы дня/дебаты, Комедии
Мне очень нравится проводить свободное время
Делая какие-нибудь атлетические упражнения, Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, Обедая с другом, С семьей, Ходить по магазинам, Занимаясь домашними делами, Посещая лекции/ занятия, Занимаясь своим хобби, Работая на добровольных началах, Смотря телевизор или кино, В компании друзей, Работая
Аэробика, Отдых на природе, Рыбалка, Туризм, Танцы, Бег, Лыжный спорт, Снегоходы, Плавание, Прогулки, Водные лыжи, Тяжелая атлетика
Виды спорта, которыми Вы любите заниматься, или смотреть
Баскетбол, Футбол, Олимпийские игры
Виды развлечений, которые Вам нравятся
Концерты, Дискотеки, Вечеринки, Изысканные ужины, Походы в кинотеатр, Музеи/Живопись, Кантри, Джаз, Поп-музыка, Рок, Чтение, Образовательное телевидение/новости, Дегустация вин
Другие хобби или интересы
Семья/Дети, Приготовление изысканной пищи, Домохозяйство, Новости/политика/события, Философия/Духовность, Путешествия, Работа на общественных началах
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