китайский 2(разговорный) японский 1(начальный) английский 5(свободный)
Семейное положение:
Вы хотите иметь детей:
Профессия, связанная с компьютерами
Какой религии Вы придерживаетесь?:
Не придерживаюсь
19 - 29
40.86 - 79.45 кг
122 - 180 см
Цвет глаз:
Цвет волос:
Рыжий/каштановый, Черный, Белый, Светло-русый, Темно-русый, Шатен, Крашеные
Как Вы относитесь к тому, что партнер будет иметь детей?:
Стройное, Нормальное, Мускулистое, Несколько лишних килограммов
Этническая принадлежность партнера:
Азиат, Белый / Европейская, Восточный индиец, Испанец/выходец из Латинской Америки, Индеец, Житель Среднего Востока, Японец или житель Тихоокеанских островов, Латиноамериканец
Ответы на вопросы
Как бы Вы описали себя?
I'm a fairly normal guy, I like to do things outdoors, travel. I'm learning to sail and if my cousin can keep himself from breaking bones one summer, then we'll go skydiving.
I like to relax at home and read, listen to music and just be low stress. I like to go out to bars/clubs to listen to live music but I'm not big on a super crowded scene. I like to have a few people and have discussions and talk about things over a few beers/wine/alcohol.
I work as a Network Engineer in Redmond, but live in Puyallup. I'm trying to start a company with my cousin and a friend and I'm saving up to open a bar/music venue.
I've spent 6 years working in a combat zone and have a lot of stories and experiences to share. I've traveled around the world and have been to a lot of different countries. I've made a lot of friends all over and love meeting and getting to know people.
I'm looking for friends, long term term relationships. Just getting to know people and hang out and see how things go. I have two half sleeves I'm working on and I'm learning to play the guitar, though I suck at it. But hey, we can't all be good at everything.
Как бы Вы описали своего идеального партнера?
I like honest, gorgeous, smart, and fun women. Someone who is secure in herself and feminine but also strong. Someone who can be willful but can also comprimise and be forgiving. Someone who will be a good mother, a good wife, a good girlfriend. I'm not looking for the "best" or something unrealistic. I'm looking for someone who is their own person and will be happy in a relationship and be able to survive as a person on their own while sharing their life as well. I want someone who will have their own friends. Someone who won't cheat, who can be frugal and someone who is family oriented.
I understand many countries have very close families and have no problem supporting my wife in communicating and visiting their family. I expect that she is supportive of the family as well. Though I think any family that is far apart or putting financial or emotional stress on the relationship could strain it.
Если бы через тридцать дней настал бы конец света, что бы Вы делали?
honestly, I would find the person that means the most to me and do all the things I could with that person before the world ended. Hiking, traveling, cooking, everything. My goal would be to get 30 years of life with that person to fit into the 30 days... Though I'd probably sleep in on the 30th day.
Если бы у Вас было бы лишних 10 миллионов долларов, чтобы Вы сделали?
pay off my families bills, invest it and build a beautiful house in the mountains. I would also buy an expensive car and see what my significant other wanted and see what other good I could do with it.
Как часто и с кем Вы советуетесь?
I usually do well on my own. Most people ask me for advice, however, whoever I am closest to at the time I ask. I will ask my different friends and family based on their strengths. Though my cousin is my best standby and likely will be my Best man in my wedding.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах своего пола?
I think men should be strong. Strong doesn't mean emotionless or however "feminists" describe it. It means to have will and strength in life with logical thinking. In this way we best compliment women and their will vs their emotional thinking and hormones. Women can be logical too, but I find that in men we can hold strength into a relationship or life where females include more life and living and emotional thought into the relationship.
Какое качество Вы особенно цените в лицах противоположного пола?
emotional strength and femininity. I love the female form and I love confident women who are not Masculine and who act as women.
Недавнее крупное событие Вашей жизни?
I've lived in Afghanistan for about 5 years, so I've experienced a lot. Life and death experiences, divorce, new friends and life experiences. I've been pretty busy so I have a lot of new things.
Главный совет, который Вы дадите своим детям?
I can't narrow that down to one thing. I'm going to do my best to take care of them and mentor them through life.
Что Вас больше всего потрясло в жизни?
my divorce. I have lost faith in a lot of American women. Southern women seem to be more "my speed" but I have been more attracted to foreign women since my divorce and due to my travels. Foreign women seem to be more well rounded and family oriented.
Последние книги, которые Вы прочитали?
"a dance with dragons" by George R.R. Martin and Cisco's Networking Academy books for ICND1 and ICND2.
Ваши цели сейчас?
finish some of my certifications, start my own business, finish school, start a family and be happy. Immediate goal is to finish college and get my company rolling quicker.
Кем Вы восхищаетесь?
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Gary Gygax.
Много ли у Вас друзей?
yes, generally speaking I befriend and am befriended easily.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах своего пола?
too much machismo, or macho-ness. Just be real, don't be fake or overly macho. There is a time and place to be Macho or strong in that regard. Generally you should just be confident and not have to constantly prove you are a man. Real men don't need to keep proving this to themselves or to others to be considered relevant.
Какие качества Вы особенно не любите в лицах противоположного пола?
feminism, or man hating. We all have our part in the world. We all have our strengths. I think that this may be seen different from other cultures. In Russia women need more equality, which is what real feminism is. In my country feminism has become a form of subjugation for men and a way for women to be more like men. The need is to just be equal but different. Women are strong emotionally and men are strong physically.
Что бы я хотел изменить в себе?
maybe, a little more fit. That's based on time really. Now that I'm leaving the warzone I should have a lot more time to do that. Besides that I will just work on being a better person.
Мои недостатки
a pair of pretty eyes..... AND! Cheesecake!
Мои достоинства
My intelligence
Как меня видят мои друзья?
Smart, funny, awesome, obviously not cocky at all.... 😉
Как меня видят просто знакомые?
pretty awesome duh.
Мои любимые игры
Football, D&D, computer games. I like RPG's but not MMO's and time kills like World of Warcraft. I enjoy storylines and things like that. Also Strategy games.
Мои любимые писатели и поэты
gosh... I have a lot. right now it is George R.R. Martin, Mostly because it takes balls to write in a character everyone loves and then brutally murder them. I also love Chuck Palahniuk.
Моя любимая музыка
Rock, Blues, Folk, Jazz, some rap. ect.
Моя любимая еда
Asian food, mostly Japanese, but I enjoy a lot of Chinese dishes too. I haven't been exposed to TOO much else. I do know that the Kazakhstan mare's milk is horrible, the alcohol stuff... HORRIBLE, I don't mean to offend if you like it but... by my god I was not prepared for it. I am open to trying anything though.
Мои любимые фильмы
way too many to list. I would love to run through them though and even sit down and watch them. I like the classics and the neo-classics and any "artistic" piece. Anything that has a good story and decent film work.
Мои любимые сказки
I'm not a fan of fairy tales. It never ends up like the book tells it.
Мое любимое занятие
I love video games, playing D&D and reading. I love my motorcycle and am picking up making beer and growing more food and things like that. Maybe I'll raise some chickens.
Работа, о которой я мечтаю
anything similar to what I do now to be honest. But ultimately owning my own company and being independently wealthy so I don't have to work and can do charity work and enjoy my family.
Партнер, о котором я мечтаю
someone independent and strong willed and gorgeous. Someone smart, funny, caring, loving, a good mother, a good lover and someone who is honest and doesn't cheat. Besides that I'm not asking for much. The list is kind of large but I think its good to set your goals relatively high. No ones perfect and I know that.
Место, где я хочу жить
the USA most likely, though I am open to other places. My only requirement is that gun ownership is allowed. I inherently distrust people and feel we need to all protect ourselves. Samuel Colt's quote reigns true. "The good people of this world are very far from being satisfide with each other & my arms are the best peacemakers." and the old adage; "God may have created man but Samuel Colt made them equal."
Что касается телевидения я
Переключаю на канал, связанный со стилем жизни
Что касается денег
Я часть трачу, а часть откладываю
Я могу описать себя в гостях как
Порхающий мотылек
Поддерживаю мое место/квартиру
Всегда чистым для компании
Насколько Вам нравится садоводство?
Мне достаточно нравится садоводство
Как Вы относитесь к походам в магазин за едой?
Я кое-как справляюсь
Насколько Вы наслаждаетесь другими типами хождения по магазинам?
Ненавижу это делать
Вам нравится готовить?
Я обожаю это
Для меня идеально было бы жить в
домик на пляже
Как часто Вы хотели бы выходить в свет
Дважды в неделю
Вам нравится ужинать вне дома?
Домашние животные и я
У меня нет, но мне нравятся Кот(-ы), Собака(-и)
Какой вид телевизионных программ Вы больше всего любите смотреть?
Научно-фантастические, Спортивные, Новости, Природа/дикая жизнь, Триллеры, Ужасы, Фильмы, Обучающие, Драма, Документальные, Проблемы дня/дебаты, Комедии, Мультфильмы
Мне очень нравится проводить свободное время
Свернувшись калачиком с хорошей книгой, Обедая с другом, Играя с моим домашним животным, Занимаясь домашними делами, Занимаясь своим хобби, Смотря телевизор или кино, Поедая что-нибудь вкусненькое, Гуляя, В компании друзей, На природе, Играя на компьютере, Сидя в Интернете
Хождение под парусом, Отдых на природе, Рыбалка, Туризм, Охота, Борьба, Снегоходы, Плавание, Прогулки
Виды спорта, которыми Вы любите заниматься, или смотреть
Автогонки, Подводное плавание, Экстрим, Футбол
Виды развлечений, которые Вам нравятся
Бары/Пабы, Казино, Концерты, Вечеринки, Изысканные ужины, Походы в кинотеатр, Музеи/Живопись, Классическая музыка, Джаз, Рок, Чтение, Интернет, Образовательное телевидение/новости, Развлекательное телевидение, Видео игры
Другие хобби или интересы
Автомобили, Компьютеры, Писательское творчество, Собаки, Садоводство, Домохозяйство, Инвестиции, Мотоциклы, Новости/политика/события, Фотография, Путешествия, Работа на общественных началах
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